Wednesday, 24 November 2021

 Here's some images of a large German-style church I made for Scottish gamer Brian Phillips. Currently it's in the collection of David Imrie. 

The techniques are my usual ones: Wills stone and tile sheets, plus cast door, windows, buttresses and steeple parts. The steps are carved from styrene sheet. The stained glass windows, which you can see in the fourth image are from a transparency of church stained glass made for model railways. The statue of Mary was something I found at a doll's house exhibition. I think the cross on top of the dome was a metal one found there too. And that's your model for today- hope it is of interest.


  1. Lovely model would love to know how you did the roof on the steeple ?

  2. Thanks for your comments, guys. Martin, there was two stages in the making of the steeple. The first was to make master models, which I moulded in silicone and cast in resin. The second was to assemble castings, Wills sheets and other parts to make the finished item.

    There are three cast parts here: the upper dome, lower dome and triangular "fillets" which roof the transition from square to octagonal sections of the tower. The dome masters were quite tricky to build, not least because the Wills sheets (of slates here) are thick, rigid and very resistant to being bent. In each case, the curved sections and the straight "lip" are sperate pieces. For the curved parts I thinned some pieces right down by trimming and sanding, chamfered the edges and bent them until they fitted together. I think there were styrene formers/ jigs underneath them to shape the curves over.

    To fit upper and lower dome castings together, I drilled eight carefully spaced holes in both pieces and superglued in brass rod of roughly the right length. Over that went eight sections of styrene tube. With a bit of wriggling and re-gluing, it ended up looking reasonable symmetrical.

    I had used the same domed steeple construction on an earlier German church and also a French Ardennes one, both of which can be found under the "labels" of the right-hand column of this blog. It's not the easiest piece to build, but it is very characteristic and a solid robust piece once assembled.

  3. Thank you for sharing these.
    Your blog posts are really enthusing me to approach some terrain making.


  4. I'm pleased to hear that, Mr Purple. That was part of of my intention in setting up this blog. I was originally inspired by other modelmakers' efforts, and I hope to pass that on now to some degree.

  5. John thank you for the detailed explanation, it was very helpful.

  6. You're welcome, Martin. It wasn't the simplest of pieces to make or to explain. I think in fact I built half, ie one side or four faces of each dome, cast two of these, joined them together and made a further mould for each whole dome section. I have used these dome castings quite a few times, however. I've also used the shapes for domes clad in bronze sheet: I smoothed down the tile texture, then clad them in thin styrene sheet sections with raised joins. Painted as verdigris.
